Why is it important to purify water?

Why is it important to purify water?

Unfortunately, the quality of centralized water in America today leaves much to be desired. Most centralized water is taken from the nearest river, passed through a treatment system and delivered to our homes. Questions arise as to what extent such a treatment system is effective and will this water be safe for drinking and daily use?


Neighboring countries, unlike ours, take water treatment standards much more seriously. For example, such countries as France or Belgium have strict control over enterprises whose activities may affect the environment. An effective system of penalties allows the governments of these countries to improve their environment.

There are also countries where the purity of water bodies is equal to the ideal. Rivers and lakes in the Alps have preserved their natural purity, as the human impact on them is minimal. Swiss people therefore without any hesitation use the water for drinking without pre-filtration. Nowadays, we cannot fully satisfy all our needs with the water we use from the tap. Tap water is full of harmful substances and impurities.


How does the water get into our house?

Water from rivers and reservoirs, where untreated sewage, household and industrial waste is discharged, ends up in water intake buckets. In other words, into large tanks built in the middle of bodies of water. From them, the water flows to the treatment plants, the methods of which can be reagent or nonreagent. In the reagent method, a coagulant (aluminum sulfate), flocculants (activated silicic acid, polyacrylamide) are used, which accelerates coagulation and promotes illumination.


In order to save water purification is carried out using the reagent-free method. Water filters with a layer of sand or anthracite are used afterwards and the water is disinfected with chlorine. Once in the body, chlorine acts as a delayed-action acid. Normal boiling does not help and even aggravates the problem. Organochlorine compounds change to chloroform, a carcinogen that causes cancer, when exposed to temperature.


But that's not all of the dangerous impurities that tap water includes:

  1. Mechanical impurities. Get into the water from the pipes. This can be rust, sand or silt. Usually such components settle at the bottom of dishes.
  2. Heavy metals, pesticides and chemicals. Their amounts in tap water are minimal, but also dangerous. The cumulative nature in the body of these impurities, threatens skin problems or even heart problems.
  3. Salts of calcium and magnesium determine water hardness level. Water with a high content of these compounds threatens the formation of kidney stones. Hard water also makes household chores a nuisance. Spending money on detergents that neutralize water hardness, discomfort after washing, skin problems - these are the consequences of using hard water.

Given the tremendous influence of the factors described, we strongly recommend that you purify your water before drinking it. It can be done with the help of water filtration.

AquaHomeGroup store offers a wide range of shower filters for your home. Consume water safely with us.

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