Shower water filters, how do they work?

Imagine, you have wanted to buy a shower water filter for a long time. For several weeks you have been studying the range of this equipment and trying to choose a device for your needs. In the end, you finally mature and make a purchase. The device is delivered and installed. On your face inexpressible joy, because now you can forget about the dirty water and enjoy the spring, crystal clear.

But what was your surprise when the filter you bought couldn't cope with the pollutants. And in the shower continued to flow the same brown liquid and unpleasant, creepy smell. You are totally disappointed, time, effort and money have been spent in vain. And now you have to go back to doing the same old thing. Yes, friends, it happens. But this kind of trouble can be avoided. How? Read in today's article.


The first step in choosing a shower filter, what is it?


The above situation occurred because the filter was selected incorrectly. In other words, you bought a device not designed to purify the water coming from under your tap. Tap water is different in composition, so the first thing you should do before buying a shower filter - to take it for analysis.

These services are provided by special laboratories. You just need to bring a sample of water and in a few days you will be given detailed data about it. Although, research in the laboratory is not always necessary. The type of contaminant in tap water can be determined "by eye". Below we will tell you how to do this.


Mechanical Contaminants

This type of pollutant is the easiest to determine. They are fine sand and the familiar rust that gets into the water when it passes through old pipes. If this type of water comes out of your tap - feel free to buy a shower filter for mechanical treatment. It will not only rid it of the above-mentioned impurities, but also protect the faucet from them, thus prolonging its life. Changes after the installation of this device will be visible in the first minutes. The water will become perfectly clean.


Red-brown stains and metallic taste

This problem is not less common than rust. Its source: increased levels of heavy metals in the water (copper, lead, dissolved iron). All these elements not only settle in the form of stains on the sink and bathtub, but also make water taste metallic, unpleasant. But the biggest drawback is that heavy metals accumulate in the human body and negatively affect it.

A shower filter against iron is the best way to purify such water.


Chemical smell or aftertaste

Why does our water smell like chemicals? Because it contains a huge amount of chlorine. We have our utilities to thank for that, still using it to purify our water. It is superfluous to mention that in many countries chlorine has long been recognized as useless and even banned. Chlorine will get rid of water with a chlorine shower filter. It consists of granules or blocks of compressed carbon, which cleans the water from chlorine, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic substances. You can read about the benefits of a charcoal filter in this article!


Combined contamination

Does your water have several of the above-mentioned pollutants? Then you should buy a shower filter for complex cleaning. This device is installed in the shower hose. It is designed in such a way that each new stage of purification will select a new component specifically designed to combat a particular pollutant.

Finally, when choosing a filter, don't forget one simple rule: The higher the degree of contamination of the water, the higher the degree of purification must be.

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