Do you drink water correctly?

Here are some useful tips on how to drink water with maximum safety for yourself!

 How to drink water correctly:

Basic tips:

  • 5-3.7 liters a day for men and 2-2.7 liters for women;
  • a glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast is a good and useful habit;
  • it is better not to get drunk before going to bed - this may lead to edema;
  • it is advisable to wash down food with a small amount of water;
  • drink more during exercise, on hot days, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and if you are poisoned.


Signs that you are not drinking enough water

We lose water every day as the body works, which is why it is so important to drink plenty of fluids.

We hear about the necessity to drink about 6-8 glasses a day almost everywhere, but for some reason not everyone follows this useful rule. Men should drink 3 liters a day (12 cups), women 2.2 liters (9 cups), so that all the organs function properly. Otherwise, you can get mild dehydration of the body, the symptoms of which are:

  1. You often experience dry skin and wrinkles become more pronounced

Many women fight dryness and aging skin with expensive creams and serums. But before you spend money on moisturizers, try increasing your water intake. It is because of the lack of fluid in the body, the skin becomes very dry, sometimes irritation, itching, flaking, inflammation and greater sensitivity. As cells lose moisture, it accelerates the formation of wrinkles, which leads to rapid aging. The best moisturizer for skin is always water.

  1. You are often hungry and overweight.

Sometimes our body can confuse the feeling of hunger and thirst. There is such a flaw, unfortunately, in the workings of the hypothalamus, which can cause hunger in response to thirst. Therefore, instead of having a glass of water, you may consume additional unnecessary calories with food, which leads to excessive weight gain. For those people who are trying to lose weight or who are just watching their weight, it is recommended to drink a glass of water and wait 10-15 minutes when you feel hungry. If after that you still want to eat, then you are really hungry, you can eat. And if not, then you have avoided consuming extra calories.

  1. You often feel thirsty and your mouth is dry

Thirst is the most important sign of dehydration. Dry mouth means that the mucous membranes in your body need urgent hydration. Drink water as often as possible throughout the day.

  1. You often suffer from headaches.

If you are not drinking enough water, your body will try to store and absorb water from all your tissues to compensate for the lack of fluid intake. As a result, your brain tissue loses some of its moisture and shrinks, pulling away from your skull. This activates your pain receptors, causing you to experience headaches. Also from the lack of water, the blood supplies not enough oxygen to the brain cells, this causes the blood vessels to dilate, which in turn leads to swelling and inflammation, which increases the pain sensation.

  1. You are often in a state of fatigue.

Some studies have proven that mild dehydration can cause fatigue and lower a person's vitality. When there is not enough fluid in the body, blood volume decreases and the heart begins to work harder as it needs more effort to transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Therefore, when you are tired, it is better to drink a glass of water rather than a cup of coffee, which will dehydrate you even more.

Also remember that coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, juices and other beverages do not replace water.

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