Hand held shower filter for bathtubs and shower cabins

Whe don't you have a рand held shower heads for bathtubs?

One thing I noticed was that customers are still buying stationary showerheads at a much higher speed than hand showerheads. It made me curious. How many people still use stationary showers? And more importantly, why?

The hand shower head is very convenient to use for many reasons. It can be considered the most necessary shower head for elderly people, children and pets.

The hand held shower heads for bathtubs and shower cabins allow you to remove the showerhead from the holder and specifically target it at what you need to wash or rinse. The hose that connects to it, the greater the reach. Obviously, this has huge advantages in a notorious place like the bathroom.


I know it can be intimidating, but installing a hand shower is incredibly easy. Of course, the problem could be that you don't know what you're missing.

Perhaps the best example is a client who called a few months ago. It had a scheduled surgery last year. Her doctor recommended some changes to the house, including a hand showerhead. So it started looking for a way to buy a shower head in San Francisco.  

It called to find out about some other changes in the bathroom, but at some point, it began to praise the showerhead with a hose. A year later, it still remembered with enthusiasm how much better it was. I think it was hoping for another showerhead that was just as easy to install with just as many advantages.

If you've been without a hand shower for so long, it's obvious you don't need one? The best way to decide whether you need a hand shower or not is to find out what a hand shower offers. So, to help, here are a few advantages you can count on if you do make a switch.

Ergonomic use with a flexible long hose

Most people do not think about ergonomics in the bathroom, but this concept is applicable even in this room. Especially when you brush your teeth or take a shower. With an extended long hose, you can even sit in the shower and still be clean. This leads directly to the greatest benefit for women.

Easy to use hand held shower heads for bathtubs and shower cabins

Shaving your legs is a routine job that nobody likes. From uncomfortable angles to the seemingly impossible task of washing away all the hair after shaving, fixed shower heads turn it into a real production.

The hand held shower heads for bathtubs allow you to take a shower to reach different parts of your legs more easily. Best of all, they allow you to quickly target areas where your hair hasn't yet been washed away. You can get a much clearer to shave if you don't spend as much time getting rid of it.

A friendly family - children and eldery (so called shower head for elderly)

When washing children, you know that they can't take full advantage of the shower, so we usually bathe them. However, children can find themselves in very interesting situations. Putting a child in the mud just marinates in the mud. The hand shower allows you to wash it off first and then take a bath for final cleaning.


Hand held shower head for elderly is best choise fon older people. It is sometimes safer to sit down, especially when they are tired or in a wheelchair. The hand shower makes it easier to clean after a long day without feeling like some places have been missed. As I mentioned before, a hand shower can be an ideal solution for those who have just undergone surgery and cannot stand on their feet for long periods or should not get their stitches wet.

Easier to clean dogs and hard-to-reach places in the shower.

It's even harder than washing a child when he tries to wash a dog. Without a hand held shower heads for bathtubs, you can be sure your dog will come out of the tub with his shampoo in his coat. Pouring buckets and water on your dog is not only inappropriate but can also lead to severe strain in his back. A hand manipulator allows you to wash the entire dog so that the end of the bath means a clean dog - not just 'good enough'.


It's just as difficult to reach and clean all parts of the shower. The water from the fixed shower head does not reach all parts of the shower. After all, you can spend a lot of time trying to fill your hands with water and then throw it away on newly cleaned parts that are out of reach or bring a bucket. Instead, just take a hand shower head and there's no extra work to wash off the entire shower. 

Check out our best natural shower and bathtub cleaning tips.

A few extra features

As if those benefits weren't enough, there are things most people don't think about. Sometimes you need a big bucket of water. Usually, the sink, bath, or  hose outside is the only place you can fill a bucket. But having a shower head with a long hose means you can fill the bucket without having to put the bucket in the bathtub. This means that when the bucket is full, it is much easier to move around. 

After showering and cleaning, you will have less water flowing down the tub. With the traditional throwing of full hand rinse water or contouring of the body for rinsing, you end up with water everywhere. By bringing the spring back into place, you can reduce the chance of water damage to the area around the shower.

Hand held showerhead can help reduce your water bill. Because you spend less time getting to the place, you save not only time but also water.

Recomended hand held shower heads for bathtubs and shower cabins

If you are thinking about a transition, here are a couple of hand held shower heads for bathtubs and shower cabins that I highly recommend. They are some of the best that will really help you quickly understand how much better a shower can be.

AquaHomeGroup specializes in very well designed showerheads. And their handcrafted collection is just amazing! You really can't go wrong with one of their models.

Handheld Shower Head with Filter - 15 Stage Filtration with Vitamin C and E with SPA Effect. High-Pressure Shower Head with Hose is hand-held, shower head filter provides maximum water filtration to make skin softener, nails stronger, and hair shinier.  SPA effect nourishing your body with beneficial nutrients. Pure, chemical-free, odorless water is what YOU and YOUR FAMILY need to enjoy soft, healthy skin, strong nails, and shiny hair.

Luxury Filtered Shower Head has a metal case with 2 cartridges with vitamin C + 5 shower caps. Reduces chlorine & sediments, consistent water pressure, make massage and SPA effect shower head.


What are the benefits of hand held shower filter?

The quality of the water we get from the water supply is not always what we would like it to be. Yes, of course, water treatment services are working as hard as they can, trying to protect us and our homes from the negative effects of impurities in the liquid. But we, frankly speaking, do not really want to feel the daily effects of chlorine and other impurities that come into the house with water.

If everything is more or less clear with moisture for drinking - you need to buy a water purification system that's right for you. Reverse osmosis, for example, or a flow-through version. Then the question: how to purify the liquid for washing, often puts the average person in a stalemate. That is why the majority still uses chlorinated water for water procedures, suffering from redness and irritation, and do not even know about the benefits of hand held shower filter, which are sold in San Francisco.


What are the filter-shower nozzles?

So, shower filter nozzles, the usefulness of which we discuss in this article, can be different. In total, there are two common options offered in our market.

The first - the nozzle in the form of a hand held shower filter. Simple, lightweight, easy to use. It screws on the hose instead of a watering can. Inside there is a special cylinder-shaped cartridge. It is made of chlorgon, silicon sand and KDF material. Also a special ADR technology is built into the shower head. It endows the moisture with useful healing properties.

The second is a useful nozzle in the form of a cylinder. It weighs about 500 g, plastic body. Installation options:

  • between the hose and the watering can,
  • between the faucet and the hose.

The water is cleaned by a cartridge, which retains mechanical particles with the help of special inserts (there are two of them - on the inlet and outlet of the cartridge) as well as chlorine and chlororganics, heavy metals, etc. impurities with the help of KDF material. Such a shower filter is useful because it captures up to 99% of the chlorine in our water.


What are the hand held shower filter used for?

The usefulness of hand held shower filter should not be underestimated. They can do a lot of things. Most importantly, they remove from the liquid:

  • chlorine,
  • organochlorine compounds,
  • heavy metals,
  • rust,
  • mechanical particles.

This will significantly improve the quality of your washing water. Thanks to this a lot of positive changes will happen to your appearance. Your hair will become shiny, strong and healthy. The skin will get rid of redness, dryness and irritation. It's impossible not to mention the health benefits of such changes. No chlorine means no negative impact on the mucous membranes of the body, the respiratory system does not suffer, no allergic reactions.

And thanks to the nozzles really save on detergents. After all, shampoos, soaps, shower gels foam better in a cleaner, free of chlorine and its compounds moisture. Accordingly, to wash in a liquid without impurities need them less.

Do not forget about the aesthetic benefits of hand held shower filter. After all, they make the water look cleaner, remove sand, rust and other visible impurities. Also eliminates the unpleasant smell of the liquid. The result is a pleasant, safe and healthy wash.

The benefits of hand held shower filter are great. You can easily and inexpensively make sure of this by buying the device in a specialized store. It is not such a serious purchase, as, say, a water-softening station, so it is possible to experiment.


Who will benefit from such nozzles?

First of all, persons with sensitive skin, which after washing experience unpleasant sensations, their skin becomes red and itchy, the eyes also suffer. Suitable devices and in cases where a person is prone to allergies, during water procedures it is difficult to breathe, or on the skin appear characteristic redness.

If you have children, especially little ones, the nozzle will also be useful. After all, chlorine, heavy metals are dangerous, especially for children. Therefore, the shower nozzle will not be superfluous. Also, the device is recommended to everyone who wants to wash in clean moisture, without dangerous impurities and odor.

We wish you to get rid of water problems with the help of specially designed equipment for this purpose.


Why not go and install the showerhead so that you and your partner can no longer argue about which shower head is better. And to be honest, installing a double showerhead really won't take long.

It might create a little more harmony in the house. If you make a switch and share a shower, think of the dual shower head. It gives you the best of both worlds between a fixed and handheld showerhead.

Honestly, all new homes should come with hand showerheads already installed. As bathroom repairs are usually left to the residents' discretion, it would be a good idea to make them a priority.

Hand shower heads are easily affordable and have many advantages that make life easier and save time. 

If you have any questions or want more information, please contact us. We will be happy to help you understand your options and select the right product for your needs.

 Buy in AquaHomeGroup and read our blog about "Showerheads with filter - how to choose?"

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