What is teeth whitening | Quality tooth whitening

What is teeth whitening?

Flawless shape and color of teeth have always been considered an important part of the external appeal. Today, the universally recognized and unconditional benchmark throughout the world is the snow-white smile, the fashion for which is believed to have come from the USA.

External reasons include:

  • dental plaque;
  • smoking;
  • food colors (tea, coffee, dyeing berries, vegetables, fruit);
  • chlorhexidine rinses;
  • taking iron preparations.

The internal changes in color include:

  • fluorosis;
  • hypoplasia;
  • imperfect amelioration and dentin genesis;
  • age-related changes;
  • tooth injuries;
  • iatrogenic changes ("tetracycline teeth", teeth painted with root sealant or amalgam fillings).

So, at Dental Clinic, first of all, on the safety of the use of bleaching agents used in the home and professional environment. For this reason, all bleaching agents are certified and standardized. And their use is based on proof of the safety of the application. This approach has increased interest in aesthetic dentistry in the field of tooth whitening.

Tooth whitening is a unique dental procedure that allows you to painlessly get the perfect cosmetic effect in a short period of time and low cost. Tooth whitening provides an opportunity to have a dazzling smile for people who often eat coffee, tea, red wine, etc. The indication for the procedure is a violation of the color of teeth and the desire to make their teeth white, and a smile attractive and unique.

What types of teeth whitening exist

There are different ways of whitening teeth:

  • chemical whitening: compositions applied to the enamel surface react with the hard tissue of the tooth, resulting in whitening;
  • photo whitening (express whitening of teeth at the clinic in one session): a special gel is activated by a halogen lamp - during this process, the dark pigment of the tooth discolors;
  • laser whitening: a laser beam acts as the gel activator;
  • home bleaching: plastic mouthguards are filled with gel and put on the teeth for a few hours or overnight; the bleaching course lasts several weeks;
  • intra-channel whitening of teeth: used in teeth that have become dark after-treatment of the canals; the whitening gel is inserted into the tooth canal and brightens it from the inside;
  • The mechanism of whitening.

Quality tooth whitening is based on the principle of atomic oxygen extraction from hydrogen peroxide. Under the influence of the cold light of the specialized LED-lamp, there is a reaction of the splitting of hydrogen peroxide molecule on hydrogen molecule and atomic oxygen molecule which in turn, getting on an enamel surface, penetrates deep into it and dentin. Then atomic oxygen joins the pigment molecule and makes it water-soluble (with no other chemicals atomic oxygen does not react). The water molecule then washes the soluble pigment out of the enamel structure. In this way, the pores of the tooth enamel are cleaned and the dark components are discolored.



Despite the fact that the dental whitening procedure, is undesirable for some groups of people.

Whitening is not performed:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • if there is tooth decay in the smile area;
  • periodontal disease in the period of exacerbation;
  • persons under the age of 18 years;
  • in the presence of artificial teeth/crowns in the smile area.

Duration of the effect

The gradual acquisition of new plaque after the teeth whitening procedure is a completely natural process. It is very slow, but can be accelerated by the frequent use of stains:

  • coffee;
  • tea;
  • tobacco;
  • red wine;
  • dark carbonated and citrus drinks;
  • fruits and d.r.

Thus, the duration of the obtained result is influenced by 2 factors: your habits and the permeability of your tooth enamel.

 By exposing your teeth to coloring agents on a daily basis, you shorten the duration of the good effect obtained. With naturally higher permeability, your teeth are more susceptible to colorants. These teeth yawn faster than those with normal (medium) or low permeability. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the degree of permeability of tooth enamel in advance, other than by observing yourself.

Conclusion: If the permeability of your teeth is increased and you regularly expose your teeth to coloring agents, the result obtained from whitening will last about 6 months. If the enamel of your teeth is low in permeability and you don't often expose your teeth to stains, the result of whitening can last up to 2 years.

In any case, it is recommended that you do not whiten your teeth more than once every six months. You can always whiten your teeth quality or make the best gift to your friends and family!

Buy teeth whitening kit in AquaHomeGroup and read our blog about "Types of teeth whitening"!




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