How water affects on hair and skin | Multi-stage shower filter

How water affects the health of hair and skin

You take care of yourself and buy expensive cosmetics, but your hair does not become strong and your skin radiant? Maybe it's the water. Do you doubt it? Especially for you, we've prepared nine convincing proofs!

  1. Your skin is 70% water.

The remaining 30% are proteins (collagen, elastin, reticulin), carbohydrates (glucose, glycogen, mucopolysaccharides), lipids, mineral salts (sodium, magnesium, calcium) and enzymes. If you drink little water, it immediately affects your skin: it becomes dry, dull, and rough. The latter is due to the fact that the enzyme chymotrypsin, which is responsible for exfoliating the corneal scales of the epidermis, works a little without water. As a result, the skin is not renewed, but thickened, becoming rough.

  1. Lack of water leads to wrinkles.

Even medieval Persian scientist Avicenna said that old age is dryness. And he was right, by the way. Though he could hardly explain why because in his time they didn't know about collagen. Namely this protein, which contains a lot of water, is responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of our skin. As we age under the influence of ultraviolet and due to improper drinking regime, collagen loses water, becomes less elastic and flexible. This results in the appearance of wrinkles.

  1. Drink at least 1.5 liters

In order for the skin to be moisturized, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. Or to be more precise, 1.5 to 2.5 liters. And even more precisely, you can calculate your norm using the formula "bodyweight x 31 = ... ml". For example, if your body weight is 60 kg, the norm will be 1860 ml. It is better to drink separately from food: 15-30 minutes before or an hour after. And necessarily - in small sips, so that the fluid does not interfere with digestion and better absorbed.

  1. Beauty microelements

Beauty microelements - calcium, zinc, selenium, silicon, and magnesium - can only be obtained with food and water. And, as noted by Sindy Maison, an expert biochemist, it is better if it happens with water, as dissolved minerals are initially 100% assimilated, and those received with food - by 30-70%. In addition, due to the impoverishment of soils, the content of useful substances and vitamins in fruits and vegetables has fallen by 10 times over the past 30 years. It wasn't our idea. That's the sad statistics from the WHO.

  1. Skin and hair need physiologically complete water.

Not all water contains enough macro- and microelements useful for hair and skin, that is physiologically complete. With tap water in this sense, the situation is the worst. "Its composition often does not meet the standards, - says Sindy Maison. - The way out: to use table bottled water of the highest category or to get a special filter with mineralizer".

  1. To have healthy hair, you should periodically drink mineral water.

The fact that the synthesis of keratin, which is 90% of your hair, is impossible without sufficient intake of sulfur in the body. The most reliable way to make up for the shortage of this trace element is to periodically use hydrogen sulfide water. This can only be done through courses and as long as you have no kidney problems.

  1. Water for washing is important.

Water for washing is also important. Yes, it does! If you live in town, the water that flows from under your tap contains chlorine. And it's not good for your skin at all. The thing is, killing harmful germs doesn't spare chlorine, and it's not useful at all. As a result, it suffers from the microbiome of our skin, reduces its local immunity, dryness, and irritation. Hair chlorine also does not benefit, especially if they are dyed, because when washing with chlorinated water pigment is very quickly washed. To avoid all these problems, you need to either stand up for water to wash or use a special water filter shower head.

  1. Hair is best washed with soft water.

If after washing your hair becomes naughty, the shampoo does not wash well and does not wash your curls, you are likely to have hard water flowing from under the tap - that is, water with a high content of calcium and magnesium salts. Prolonged washing of your hair with such water will cause the residue of salts and detergents to accumulate on the strands, making them dull and lifeless. And then you have to sign up for a special demineralization procedure. But you can try to soften the water. "For this purpose, it is required to cut into pipes the main filter or to put a cabinet softener, - Sindy Maison explains. - Only it is important not to forget to service them correctly. If it is a cabinet softener, it is necessary not to forget to add salt for regeneration, if the main filter - regularly change the softening cartridge".

  1. Use special multi-stage filters.

You can make a great gift for your hair and skin by using the 15-stage shower filter. Featuring 15 stages of maximum water filtration, a hard-water shower filter will provide purified, chemical-free, odorless water. Some of these filters contain additional elements that overtake the water with vitamins E and C, which are essential for hair and skin.

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